Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Restocked shop

Yes, it is almost that time again.

I have all these items and many more in my shop ready and waiting for Santa.

I hope to get a few more items up very soon so check back.

Also, recently...

we did some fishing,

made pretend soup,

 and made some turkeys. 
Good day!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

A not quite to scale graph type sketch of the truth, a poem, and more.

Today I finished reading the New Testament. This is a task that proves in and of itself the power of the Holy Spirit. I am a working Mama who is cranky in the morning. It has to be due to supernatural strength and not my own that I have been able to get up at 5am to have time to read day after day. Tomorrow I will get my cranky butt out of bed again and somehow as I read and pray I will come closer to being the woman I am designed to be. 

Anyway, I finished it today and happened to reach the end of a journal at the same time. So what was the overall message I received on the end of this journey? 


I have the courage to write these words. The courage to share my terrible handwriting with you. The courage to face whatever God sends my way. The courage to share His truth. The courage to share this sketch with you.

I made this a year or so ago and have been wanting to share it but did not know how nor did I have the courage to for some reason. It is not to scale and could be prettier. (Maybe I'll work on that.) The point is, it needs to be shared because it shows what is more important than anything. It shows that your life, right now, being kind of hungry or slightly too hot; worried about money or a relationship; battling sickness or missing someone you will never see again; whatever your hardship no matter how hard it is, it is fleeting. On the same not no matter how good life is, it too is fleeting. How you spend this fleeting life matters. Jesus is the only one who can save you. He already did. He is the only one who can restore you and give you an eternity of real life the way it is meant to be lived. Loving Jesus and courageously showing others His love is all that matters. 

This is obviously only part of the conversation. If you have questions, great! Ask away because I have questions too and maybe we can find answers together. 

I'll get off my soap box now and leave you with a poem by Nelle D. Bradley. It says how I want to live my life. I hope you join me.

Hold high the torch of beauty, truth, and love!
You did not light its glow-
'Twas given you by other hands, you know.
'Tis yours to keep it burning bright,
Yours to pass on when you no more need light;
For there are other feet that we must guide;
And other forms go marching by our side;
Their eyes are watching every tear and smile,
And efforts which we think are not worthwhile,
Are sometimes just the very helps they need,
Actions to which their souls would give most heed;
so that in turn they'll hold it high, and say, 
"I watched someone else carry it this way."
If brighter paths should beckon you to choose,
Would your small gain compare with all you'd lose?
Hold high the torch of beauty, truth, and love! 
You did not light its glow-
'Twas given you by other hands, you know.
I think it started down its pathway bright,
The day our Maker said: "Let there be light."
And He once said, who hung on Calvary's tree-
"Ye are the light of the world." Go! ... Shine for me.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Little Fall Update

It has been a busy minute. 

My September Art in the Park show started off  too windy but overall was a good day.

 Among my sales was this pretty card. I wonder what special note was written inside.

After the show, most of my inventory went to Tennessee with my Mother-in-law. She is currently doing a month and a half long craft show at Dollywood and was kind enough to bring my stuff along. I have no idea what if anything is selling. Whatever does not sell will be back up for sale on my Etsy in November just in time for Christmas shopping. 

My prints are currently available. If anyone is interested in the originals they are for sale just not listed. Please contact me. 


Things are getting spooky around here.

My sister visited last weekend and did this craft with Avia. Scary stuff. 

Last but not least, this guy insisted on picking a green pumpkin. I might have weird kids. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Ready for Autumn

I, like many of you, am ready to be done with oppressive humidity and mosquitoes. I want to move on to crisp sweater weather, the crunch of leaves under foot, and the comfort of warm apple cider.
I made this autumn hoop art in my anticipation for fall. 

Among my fall plans is Art in the Park. I am excited. Wish me luck.

It took a little longer than it should have but I finally got my prints packaged for the show and up on Etsy. 

I am looking forward to what this season will bring. Happy September!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Why I make pretty little hankies

I make pretty little hankies because we need them. 

A well-meaning woman once commented on this handkerchief I made, "It is a cute pattern but no one uses handkerchiefs anymore so you need to put it on something else." I didn't respond. I was hurt, thinking back on the many many hours I had just worked happily creating my art and her suggestion was to toss it and try again. After swallowing some pride, my thought was, "I use them."

Just so you know, I do know what Kleenex is. I'm not saying use my handkerchiefs for when you have the flu. That is kind of a bad and gross idea. What I am saying is when you are moved or saddened, using a handkerchief is a deeper comfort than a tissue for those few falling tears. It isn't just the softness or the eco-friendly advantage that appeals to me, although there is that too. It is the connection to beauty, to the past, the texture of the stitches, and partaking in the simple old tradition of carrying a handkerchief that adds to my comfort.

 Tears come. Sometimes when we are lucky enough they are tears of joy which is why making bridal handkerchiefs are fun. This one was bought by a man to give his bride on their wedding day. I felt very honored to be a tiny part of their special day. 

Sadly most tears are not for the happy times. A very sweet and thoughtful brother bought this handkerchief for his sister. Her daughter was fighting the last of her battle with leukemia. I have learned as an artist there is no greater feeling than when you know your work has reached the person made for. I had no idea when I made this who it was for but now I know it was for this grieving mother. My hope is it brought her comfort. 

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." Matthew 5:4

I started carrying around a hankie in my purse regularly after my daughter passed away. The tears would come anytime anywhere and this was one of my only ways of coping for that time. It is a very simple and helpful tip I have passed on to other mamas of loss. My love for pretty little hankies started when they provided me the comfort I so needed. 

Jesus said, "...In this world you will have trouble but take heart; I have overcome the world." John 16:33

The tulips in the rain handkerchief is not currently on Etsy but still for sale. Contact me if you are interested. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Some summer so far

It has been a busy summer so far.

I've seen lions.

 I embroidered lots and lots of bibs.

To be honest I am glad these are done and ready to go.

I am working as a nanny for a two-month-old and sometimes I get the pleasure of being paid to bring my own children to the park. Before and after taking this photo I was sitting on a park bench while sewing and listening to the sweet little snore of a baby. I felt very blessed. 

She made way more than I did as a kid.

This was our first visit to the Smale Riverfront Park in Cincinnati. It was delightful.

Avia will start the 3rd grade on the 13th. This seems crazy early to me. We have a few more summer tricks in our bag but I am sad it will be over all too soon.
The Girl in the Lane Shop

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


 I read Watchman Nee's The Normal Christian Life last spring. He explains the relationship of sin and the Christian better than I have ever read or heard. 

"This deliverance (from sin) is so real that John can boldly write: 'Whosoever is begotten of God doeth no sin ... he cannot sin' (1 John 3:9), which is, however, a statement that, wrongly understood, may easily mislead us. By it John is not telling us that sin is now no longer in our history and that we shall not commit sin. He is saying that to sin is not the nature of that which is born of God. The life of Christ has been planted in us by new birth and its nature is not to commit sin. But there is a great difference between the nature and the history of a thing, and there is a great difference between the nature of the life within us and our history. To illustrate this (though the illustration is an inadequate one) we might say that wood 'cannot' sink, for it is not its nature to do so; but of course in history it will do so if a hand hold it under water. The history is a fact, just as sins in our history are historic facts; but the nature is a fact also, and so is the new nature that we have received in Christ. What is 'in Christ' cannot sin; what is in Adam can sin and will do so whenever Satan is given a chance to exert his power."

This painting is what came to mind upon reading that passage. 

I sewed cloth onto the watercolor painting and hand embroidered her hair.

The Girl in the Lane Shop